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Relax, National Day of Relaxtion is coming

Sometimes I think all of the social media holidays that have suddenly appeared are silly. Nonetheless, they often bring to light some great talking points such as this upcoming Tuesday, August 15th, which just so happens to be “National Day of Relaxation.”

Last weekend I spent at the Lake of the Ozarks, which is a quick 2.5 hours from Kansas City, nestled in the heart of the Midwest. It’s almost as my eyes start seeing the signs and my car pulls onto the highway leading into the lake region that my mind goes into relaxation. I love the lake! But let’s be honest, I really love any kind of water. It’s a sign of peace and relaxation for me. Whether that be just a pool, a lake or the ocean. A weekend isn’t nearly long enough to take in that true feeling of relaxation.

Our lives are so cluttered with “noise,” “being busy” and “hustling” and “keeping up,” that relaxation often takes a backseat. Just the week before, I found myself trying to get to 4 medical appointments and stay on top of my fulltime job. Literally running from place to place, dropping things left and right as I tried to stay on top of it all. It’s hard to find space for relaxation when we have so much other “noise.”

As I came back on Sunday and relished how good the weekend at the lake had been to my mindset, I made myself a promise to make more space for relaxation. Because when you do that, you often have a pep in your step as you step back into familiar routines, a little more energy and a little more excitement towards your next opportunity to take a breather.

How do you relax? How do you make space? What makes your mind reset? And most importantly, how will you celebrate “National Day of Relaxation?”



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