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Hope for the future

Did you know that April is the month of hope? Who knew there was such a thing. However, these days there is a lot of hope in the myasthenia gravis community surrounding the research being done through clinical trials and development for new therapies.

For over 60 years, there wasn’t much movement in the myasthenia gravis drug development space. Pyridostigmine bromide was approved by the FDA in 1955 as a treatment which was followed by a huge gap until the 2017 approval of Soliris. In late 2021, Vyvgart was approved by the FDA as a therapy for generalized myasthenia gravis and then in the spring of 2022 Ultomiris was approved.

But it doesn’t stop there. There are more therapies in the pipeline awaiting FDA review AND there continue to be clinical trials for potential new therapies.

Which brings us to our next Virtual Monthly Meet Up. In April, we are hosting Angela Pontinus of RA Ventures who will provide education on clinical trials. Angela will share about pros, the cons, what to expect and the role clinical trials play in the development of therapies.

If you’ve ever wondered about participating in a clinical trial this is a session you won’t want to miss. To register for this webinar on Monday April 24th from 6:30-7:30pm (CST) please click here.

To learn more about clinical trials you can go to or to the Clinical trials page on the MGA website.



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