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Friday Feature: Andy Dorris, U.S. Army Veteran

We want to start out our post today by wishing all who have served a Happy Veteran's Day. Thank you for your service. For our Friday Feature today, we connected with Andy Dorris who is an active member of our Springfield, MO group.

Name: Andy Dorris

When did you serve in the Military and for what company? I served from Sept. 1982 to Sept. 1995. I was with the U.S. Army as a Combat Engineer serving in Texas twice, Germany twice and other state side positions.

What is one of your most memorable moments of your time spent in the service? While in Germany, Kayla and I were able to go on a tour of Holland and Amsterdam right as the Tulip Festival was in full swing. I also spent many weeks patrolling the East West German Boarder.

When were you diagnosed with myasthenia gravis? I was diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis in the fall of 2010.

What do you do for the treatment of your myasthenia gravis? Currently, I am on Vyvgart and Mestinon for MG.

Anything else you’d like to share about your journey with myasthenia gravis or being in the military? Life with MG is much like life in the Military as you never know what the next day will bring you. You have to be your own advocate in treatment and I am blessed to have my wife Kayla right by my side through this journey.



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