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10 Ways to Combat the Winter Blues

Kansas City is sitting in the middle of two snowstorms.  But that is not new news, if you turn on any TV channel they are talking about the weather.  And with anything, there is the crowd that loves the winter weather and the crowd that dreams of sitting next to a palm tree with the sun shining over them.  At any rate, we know winter blues are real and they impact a lot of households during the months of January and February. 

Here are 10 things you can do to help combat the winter blues!

Get moving

Even if you can’t get outside, get moving inside, pick out an exercise video on YouTube, utilize home exercise equipment if you have it, get some weights, dance, vacuum, get some blood flowing.

Invite people to come to you

Unable to get out in the cold and winter,  if you are feeling up to it, invite friends to come to you.  As winter approached this year, I got out my calendar and made a commitment to myself to not isolate but to invite people in.  I do not enjoy being out in the cold, so this is a great option for me.  I invited friends over for brunch, then one weekend I invited friends over to do a meal swap and I will take the opportunity in February to host a My Favorite Things party with some girlfriends over to share our favorite items.  Hosting these events and having people come to me is a great way that I combat the isolation of winter.  And even more importantly, I haven’t hosted people in my home much over the past four years due to COVID-19 and my MG issues so I am thrilled to be back to this point!

Get fresh air

No matter how cold, even if you just stand on your front porch or wait on your deck while your dog does its business, get some fresh air!  I saw two posts on social media this week of friends just standing outside in the snow admiring what nature had created.

Make your home cozy

If you know you will be homebound during the winter, make it cozy. Get a favorite blanket, good smelling candle and make it a desirable place to be.  Rearrange, organize, nest, make it suitable for you!

Get ready

Even if you aren’t leaving the house, if you have the energy and strength, get yourself ready for the day.  As weird as it sounds, I know when I wear my tennis shoes in my house, I’m more productive and get more done.


Remember when we were kids and would play board games and do puzzles? Some have carried those into adulthood.  Well if you are somebody who stopped playing them. Get them back out. There is nothing like wintertime and a snowstorm to bring back an old school hobby!

See the light

If you are somebody affected by seasonal affective disorder, consider a light box.  Mayo Clinic has a great article on this.  Other simple ways to see the light, open your blinds, tie back the curtains during daylight.

Keep a schedule

Even if you know a snowday is coming, go to bed at the same time as you would if you were planning to go to work/school the next day.  Your body benefits by having the same routine, sleep and wake times.

Soothe your skin

I don’t know about you but my hands are so chapped and dry.  Invest in good lotion to help soothe your skin during the dry winter months.  The Body Shop has a great hemp hand protector lotion with a mild scent that provides great relief.

Plan your next adventure

Open your calendar and determine when and where your next trip or adventure will be so you have something to look forward to.  Planning a trip can be fun and take a lot of time to research and discover the best options.  It’s a great activity for when you are hunkered down for winter.

We hope you are staying warm and safe during this next round of winter weather.  And we hope you know you are never alone.  We have several opportunities for you to join us virtually over the next few weeks and we’d love to connect online!


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