In July I crossed over a memorable milestone, 15 years of doing monthly plasmapheresis treatments. If they had a frequent “flier” program, I’d be leading the pack and getting my stamps! If only, huh? As I embarked on this anniversary, I have been thinking a lot about the essentials to make treatments more bearable therefore crafting the top 10 items you need to make a treatment comfortable.
Over the years I’ve said I was going to design a fanny pack for all my "trinkets" I bring. It hasn’t happened yet but some of the items below I keep in my treatment “bag.”
1. Numbing spray- this stuff is gold. The unit I go to used to have it on hand. They no longer offer it so I buy it off Amazon. It can be a bit pricy but if the needles they use for your therapy are large, this stuff helps counter any pain you might feel.
2. Earbuds- I don’t always use my earbuds but sometimes they are really important in tuning out everything else around you.
3. Cozy blanket- If you can’t take a blanket with you, have a special one at home that you use when you get back to rest. Walmart sells a great knock off of Barefoot Dreams brand that I highly recommend. You can find it here.
4. Cozy outfit- Get yourself an official treatment uniform. Mine is black leggings and a black tank usually with a zip up hoodie or cardigan. I try not to wear a hoodie/sweatshirt that would have to go over my head because of my port and knowing my arm has to be accessible during treatments. As well as I learned early on, black to hide any blood spots/stains.
5. Slip on shoes with socks- The last thing I want to do when I am preparing to leave to go home from a treatment is to spend time bent over dealing with tricky shoes. Blowfish has a great slip on tennis shoe that I recommend. Also, wear your socks. Otherwise you might get stuck in those awesome oversized hospital socks.
6. Water bottle/straw- Depending on how long your therapy lasts and what they are doing, you’ll want to have some type of hydration. Make sure your bottle has a straw so you don’t accidentally wash your face when going for a drink! I lay in a hospital bed for my treatments and have had that issue more times than I'd like to admit.
7. Eye mask- my eye closure has been severely impacted by my myasthenia gravis therefore I wear an eye mask when I sleep. I keep one in my treatment bag and put it on as sooon as they are starting so I can hopefully get a quick snooze in.
8. iPhone/iPad- Depending on the length of your treatment you will likely need something to help pass the time. A phone or an iPad can provide great entertainment. For what it’s worth, when I first started treatments, I brought my blackberry and iPod with me to them. Oh my how we have evolved.
9. Squeezie (Squeeze ball)- I can’t tell you how many squeezies I have gone through in the years. Anxiety gets to me and I generally start tearing them apart. I also keep one of these in my treatment bag. If you find you want one, some hospitals have them like my current one which is a sunflower. (see pic)
10. Chapstick- I’m not sure what it is about my treatments but as soon as I am done my lips are always very dry. I always want chapstick immediately. I keep a stick in my treatment bag.
Last but not least, for good measure, bring your sense of humor! A little bit of Patch Adams goes a long ways! Here's to wishing you a smooth, uneventful treatment!
