Does anybody else have the infamous Mariah Carey song, "All I Want For Christmas Is You," on replay in their head like I do? The song got me thinking about my wish list for myasthenia gravis patients as we head into the new year. I was also curious what my coworkers hope for 2022, seeing as we have worked so hard to keep this community strong in spite of the pandemic. Aside from the obvious desire for an MG cure, here are a few wish list items from the MGA team:

Allison Foss, Executive Director of the MGA wishes for positive engagement. She writes, "I hope for us to touch patients, community partners, providers, and families all in a way that is going to benefit them. So whether that is attending a virtual support group, connecting at one of our clinics, volunteering, or attending the MGA Triple Crown Showdown, my wish is for those impacted by myasthenia gravis to engage in some way shape or form. The best way to raise awareness is to touch the cause. For a community as a whole, my wish is that with all the increased research and drug advancement that we are one day closer to a cure."
Tanya Renner, Kansas City Program Coordinator of the MGA wishes for genuine connections. Reflecting on her time in clinic, she stated that "the patients and teams I interact with have had such a positive impact on my life, and I hope the feeling is mutual." She adds, "I've gotten to know MG patients, physicians, and professionals on a personal level, and we all hope for the same thing, which is to help patients live their best lives."
I echo all of these sentiments. Perhaps my greatest wish of all this year is for MG patients to know that they are never alone. This disease has a tendency to make us feel lonely, and these last two years intensified that emotion. I hope that this community remembers that they will always have at least one person by their side; I will continue to advocate for them, support them, and walk with them along their disease journey. As I have learned with myasthenia, there's always a way, it just takes a little digging to find it.
Happy holidays to our friends and family of the MGA. We wish you all the best as we head into 2022. Cheers!