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Happy Mother's Day

With mother’s day approaching we recognize that moms often bear the weight of “all the things.” For many, they juggle running a household to full time jobs to full time taxi drivers and chefs. What we sometimes fail to think about and recognize is, what if mom is sick? Or what if mom has a rare chronic illness.

If that’s the case, it’s just another piece of the balancing act that moms somehow gracefully pull off. We talked to some “adult kids” in the MG community about their moms who are battling myasthenia gravis.

“Having a mom with Myasthenia Gravis makes her a super mom! Some days can be harder than others but she works it all with grace, patience and perseverance. It’s hard not having all the answers right away but through love,trust, and family we are able to support her together. Most of the time other people may not know about Myasthenia Gravis but I love to take it as an opportunity to make Myasthenia Gravis a little more known so there is more awareness to make sure our super moms out there are known!”

~Isabel Gennrich on her mom Carolina

My mom was diagnosed with MG when she was 10 years old, yes, 10 years old! Many think that when they receive the diagnosis of MG that they won't be able to enjoy life and that the disease will control them until the end, well my mom hasn't let it stop her.

From the time of her diagnosis, she didn't let her stop from continuing her education, graduating from not only high school but college and even a master's degree in education. She also found love and married my dad, to which I came to live with MG.

Although, she has had her struggles over the years, including having several crisis including shortly after my birth and then again when I was in high school, it has never stopped her from enjoying adventures in life. She travels all over the US and has even traveled to England several times to visit her penpal since 10 years old. She has been active in the Myasthenia Gravis Association since I was very young and she has been very active in MG activities on the internet since the early 90's as have I as a young person who "lives with MG".

If you aren't sure about how you are going to continue now that you have been diagnosed with MG, just look at my mom! She doesn't let MG stop her from being an active person for over 60 years. There may be rough moments but you can always still do anything you want, but it may be at an MG pace.

~Amy Whittaker on her mom, Donna

“A child’s first teacher is its mother.” ~unknown. I wish you the happiest Mother’s Day. Thank you for all you do and have taught us through the years.

~Megan Smelser on her mom Kelly

My mother, Pam Wessel, was diagnosed with MG in early 2021 and experienced an MG Crisis a few months later which landed her in the ICU for a week before a specialized MG treatment restored her strength. This crisis was a huge wake up call for my mother and our entire family and friends about MG and how serious this rare disease is. I quickly learned a ton about this autoimmune disease from the MGA videos, while Pam has been regularly attending the MGA's ongoing educational and networking sessions online. One key learning I've heard time and time again from the MG experts, "if you've seen one MG case, you've seen one", since everyone's journey with MG is so very unique. We are so very grateful for the support and resources MGA provides for my mother, our family and for everyone facing this very rare disease! While Pam has pulled back on many volunteering activities around town and at church she's been accustomed to, she continues learning how best to manage her health and well-being every day and remains relatively independent. She continues meeting regularly with a litany of doctors amidst her complex health situation, many of which are still very unfamiliar with MG except for the few specialists she's been able to find near her. We appreciate everyone who helps support the MGA's mission to help support those with MG and push towards a cure.

~Mike Wessel on his mom Pam

May you all have a wonderful Mother’s Day!



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