For the last five years, the MGA has partnered with the Kansas City Iowa State Alumni Club to hold it’s annual Trivia Night- Cy’s Crown Town Trivia. Each year, it has grown a little bit more and the committee had to seek out a new location to accommodate the growth. Planning for the 5th Annual Cy’s Crown Town Trivia started last spring and the group was quick to put down stakes at GEHA Field at Arrowhead Stadium for the August 26th event. While the group patiently waited for the NFL to release pre-season games, a huge sigh of relief was had when the Chiefs were slated to play the Green Bay Packers the night before at Arrowhead and trivia could go on as planned.

We had some special assistance in the planning as Jackie Carroll, who is on the MGA Board of Directors and an Iowa State Alumnae, holds the position of Director of Corporate Events at GEHA Field at Arrowhead Stadium. Without a doubt, this contributed to the collaboration of one of the most memorable and epic events the MGA has held.

Over 300 guests game together, 157 of them VIP guests who enjoyed a private tour of the stadium prior to the festivities. Guests enjoyed cocktails, a popcorn bar, silent & live auctions, tacos & nachos, and 4 grueling rounds of trivia put together by Geeks Who Drink.
This very spirited and lively evening brought in a record breaking $75,000 for the Myasthenia Gravis Association! The funds raised at Cy’s Crown Town Trivia will ensure that we can continue to operate our clinics, support groups, be a resource hub, hold awareness events, and most of all, continue to do so at no charge for our patients.

We are so grateful for all who attended, supported, planned, volunteered, donated, gave right answers, gave the wrong answers, and just plain enjoyed themselves! Thank you for being part of our historic evening! Click here to enjoy a video we played at Trivia Night.